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The Wood Veneer Blog

  • Acupanel - now available in six colourful finishes too!
    March 31, 2021

    Acupanel - now available in six colourful finishes too!

    Best known for its fabulous selection of real timber veneer finishes, ever popular Acuapnel® is now also available in six colour finishes too! Acupanel® has always been a fashionable choice for the discerning homeowner, and many  interior designers and architects...

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  • What is Wood Veneer Furniture?
    February 3, 2021

    What is Wood Veneer Furniture?

    Wood veneers have been used in the construction of high quality furniture for over 200 years. Frequently associated as being similar to laminate, and therefore an inexpensive and mass produced product, wood veneer is actually a traditional and structurally significant...

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  • Are your walls looking bare this January?
    January 6, 2021

    Are your walls looking bare this January?

    As last night was 12th night, officially all festive decorations should have been taken down, often leaving our rooms feeling bare… Maybe it’s the colder weather, perhaps it’s just a case of the January blues, or simply that we’ve been...

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  • Is Wood Veneer Real Wood?
    December 9, 2020

    Is Wood Veneer Real Wood?

    Wood veneer is most certainly made from real wood!  In fact, the dictionary definition of a veneer is: A thin sheet or layer of a superior or decorative grained wood, often bonded to a lesser grade wood such as plywood....

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  • Why choose Acupanel wooden wall panelling?
    July 15, 2020

    Why choose Acupanel wooden wall panelling?

    In recent years, wooden wall panelling has seen a huge surge in popularity. What was once an alternative wallcovering, donning the walls of many houses in the 70’s, is now considered one of the must have fashion accessories for your...

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  • Are you going grey yet?
    May 4, 2020

    Are you going grey yet?

    In these unusual times, we are all currently adapting to a very different way of life… Whilst most of us are coping relatively well, we can all relate to ‘missing’ something or someone… Whether it’s being not able to see...

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  • CubeFlex – the new way to upcycle…
    May 4, 2020

    CubeFlex – the new way to upcycle…

    Also known as ‘creative re-use’, upcycling is fundamentally about updating unwanted or useless products, transforming them to become loved once again! Aside from significantly reducing the number of discarded items, the environmental benefits of upcycling are massive, and fundamentally include...

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