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How To Create a Stunning Feature Wall Using Wall Panels

How To Create a Stunning Feature Wall Using Wall Panels

More people are introducing a feature wall in their homes to add a much-needed injection of texture, contrast and colour. While rooms painted in one colour or decorated with wallpaper on all walls create a sense of unity, spaces can soon feel underwhelming or downright plain. A feature wall, on the other hand, adds energy and a clear focal point to spaces, making them feel more inviting.
The Do’s of Feature Walls
Creating a feature wall takes careful thought and preparation. Here are the do’s of feature walls:

Choose a narrow wall
Some believe that feature walls make rooms look larger, but this isn’t usually the case. However, when done correctly, they can make rooms feel a little squarer. The best way to make a room feel squarer (and inject some much-needed personality) is to choose a narrow wall to turn into a feature wall.

Choose a durable material
If you want your feature wall to stay in excellent condition for many years to come, you need to ensure that you select a durable material. While many people will simply add a lick of colourful paint, some decide to go the extra mile. Wood wall panelling is the perfect way to create a feature wall.

At the Wood Veneer Hub, we offer a wide selection of stylish and durable feature wall panels that will transform your space. We stock products created by several expert brands, including Acupanel®, KD Panels, PLAANK® and TimberStik. Choose from a wide selection of colours, finishes, textures and patterns, including but not limited to contemporary oak, walnut, concrete grey, lack, midnight blue, slate grey, and juniper green wood wall panels.
Choose a timeless pattern

It might be tempting to choose a wacky paint colour or wood wall panelling in a jazzy pattern, but these options are likely to go out of style quickly. Of course, choosing something ultra-trendy is fine if you’re willing to update the feature wall once it goes out of style. On the other hand, if you plan to keep your feature wall for several years, it’s best to choose a timeless pattern that will look great no matter how interior decor trends evolve.

At the Wood Veneer Hub, we stock a wide range of timeless wood panel styles, including acoustic wood strip panelling, reclaimed wood wall panels, 3D wall panels, multicolour stick wood wall panels, diamond decorative wall panels, and many more.

The Dont’s of Feature Walls
There’s a right way to do a feature wall. So to make sure your feature wall looks good, it’s best to avoid these common mistakes:

Don’t pick a room or wall at random
It can be difficult to choose where you want a feature wall. Will it look best in the lounge, kitchen, home office or bedroom? Instead of picking a room at random, think carefully about which room would benefit the most from a feature wall. Installing panelling in a random room may make the room look strange, and it won’t just be you who notices it. Visitors to your home, especially those interested in interior design, might think that the feature wall feels out of place. Instead of picking at random, add a feature wall to a room with striking architectural features that you want to draw attention to, such as a chimney breast or a large window.

Don’t use a small room
Choosing a small room for your feature wall might be counterintuitive, as you may end up making the room feel cramped or too busy. Feature walls work best in larger rooms, such as the living room and the master bedroom.

Final Thoughts
As we’ve established, there are many advantages to creating a feature wall in your home. A feature wall adds a focal point to your space and will give your home an effortlessly elegant feel. While some choose to create a feature wall with paint, creating a feature wall with wood panels is a great way to revitalise your space. At the Wood Veneer Hub, we stock a wide selection of timeless wood wall panelling in a range of colours, styles and finishes, which are perfect for a striking feature wall.

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